Jamie Colston

 About Jamie



About me

Over the last twenty years, I have been immersed in the practice of following life’s next movement. This has brought me into contact with Vipassana meditation, the Mankind Project, 5 Rhythms & Movement Medicine, Non Violent Communication, Embercombe: the twin paths of leadership, Embodiment & Trauma informed practices, Intergenerational climate activism, Art of Hosting and harvesting meaningful conversations, Systemic Constellations work and more.

For more information about my training please click here.

Over the years I have worked with arts organisations; including the Southbank Centre, BFI & Southbank & Bankside cultural quarter. education providers including; primary & secondary schools, universities and international organisations; including the European Union & United Nations. I have spent over twelve years working and developing leadership skills in young people & children around climate crisis, species loss & active citizenship.

For a full view of my professional history, please visit my linked in profile here.

I am a parent, mentor, facilitator, catalyst, poet, writer, Art of Hosting, and Systemic Constellations practitioner. This variety of work, learning, life and love practice supports the accompaniment of fellow travellers in slowing down to listen. to their own bodies, to the stories of their ancestors living within them and to the impulse of life communicating what is important in this moment of the unfolding story.


Universal Abundant Income

Chapter Two

March 2024.

Financial Gifting

Acknowledging and appreciating the system of capital flowing as exchange, and nudging ourselves to resourcing a different kind of presencing and futuring.

Over the last ten years or so, I/we have developed a significant amount of nuance and understanding around living within a communal, gift and abundance economy framework. 

Since the full moon time around the 23rd-25th February,  when I had an experience in a constellation which has left me with a deeply embodied experience of financial resourcing, it feels like the time to step into this fully and explicitly.

Over the next few weeks I/we will be publishing more writing and conversations around this work (keep up to date on Linked In), as well as continuing to offer some opportunities to take part in the gathering spaces we are developing, in relationship, with a growing network and field of people. 

In the meantime, I have updated this website, which now hosts ways in which you/we can financially gift towards us living lives that centre around integrity, curiosity, creativity, community/relationship and generosity.

It is the appropriate time to invite greater financial resourcing for the work that I/we do, which includes all of what you see through these platforms, as well as all the behind the scenes work that won’t be shared because some of it is sacred, quiet and personal.

If you have benefited from the gifts that I/we bring to the world, or you see the benefit of the being and doingness that I/we inhabit and embody, then the invitation is to gift a day or more of financial resource, at the reflective rate of your own time. Do this via my website.

This is an invitation to be part of a generative relational web, that enables me/us to continue to explore, reflect on and create space for what life calls forth in us. 

Calling in gift (non restrictive funding, with integrity as a core principle of receivership) financial resourcing is a wider conversation that we all need to be in together, in order to resource the movements from the old system(s) to an emerging system(s).

Join me/us in this work.

Chapter One

In 2023, I am beginning to cultivate the practice for myself and others to work in the field of Universal Abundant Income. There is enough money and resources in the world for us all to transition to the kind of work that is in service of life, living, honouring the ancestors and creating a beautiful and ecologically centred emergent future for our children and theirs.

The life I choose is to create radical gathering spaces for inquiry, creativity, storytelling, solidarity, movement, play, and embodiment, in local, national and international settings. I work towards a collective emergent future that is beyond what we know currently and shifts away from the prevailing capitalist system that creates and perpetuates inequity, harm and value based on output and the generation of more capital/debt.

My aim is to gather enough financial resources around me to support my basic needs of rent, bills, food, clothing and educational and child care needs of my family, alongside creating enough for rest, play and creative endeavours. On creating enough abundance for ourselves, I imagine returning to the collective work I imagine is possible with others who are on this path and choose to frame an abundant and active communal lifestyle around imagination and experimentation.

I choose to write and explore conversations that challenge and question our current experiences of money and finances, in service of cultivating a system which inspires us to share wealth and abundance and invest in people.

I have been working in this way for over 4 years, creating work for a friend using these principles alongside traditional employment frameworks. Alongside this, collectively, a group of friends and collaborators have been exploring pricing models which include: gift, shared, appropriate and abundant contributions.

We cannot dismantle old systems without giving context and creative exploration to newer options. This is my contribution to this field of emergence.

This work is multiplicitus. It is political, healing orientated, defined by boundaries and fluidity, fuelled by imagination and relationships, grounded in practice, and requires commitment. We cannot build a new system of being together and organising towards culture change if the people with ideas, imagination and creative practices to make stuff happen are under resourced.

For more information you can follow my writing on Linked In or Substack.

To contribute and support please click the button below and donate via Stripe.

If you are someone with capacity to support greater financial freedom and this work I am involved with others in, then please consider donating the maximum UK, tax free and deductable gift. We will send you a form back to confirm the gift for tax purposes.


In gratitude to…

I am Jamie Daniel Colston. Born to Christine Anne Colston (Burnley) and Anthony John Colston (Bristol). Grandson of two Grandmothers (Burnley & Wales) and two Grandfathers (Burnley & Bristol) who have passed life on. I am a Brother, a Father and an Uncle. There are many more blood relations to who I am connected. It is with gratitude that I stand in this world and work, because of everything that was passed on and which was lived through.

Thank you to my two children, who are alongside me every step of the journey. We are living a compassionate, hope orientated and fully embodied lifestyle with love, grounded in practice, as the engine (alongside locally sourced food and not so healthy snacks). With a deep bow to their Mother, without whom, their lives and the beautiful consequences of their lives would not be possible.

Four generations - Paternal Grandmother, Mother, Children, Grandchildren


Over the years there have been many people who have made it possible to be here, and in this work now. Those who are alive know who you are. Those who have passed include:

Terry Ingham, whose generousity, encouragement and guidance made it possible to start this systemic journey with Judith Hemming and COLPI back in 2010/11.

Polly Higgins who gave her time to inspire some young people at a youth climate summit I co-designed in 2011. Polly was kind, passionate and deeply inspiring and she connected me to someone who is now a dear friend and fellow collaborator in this work. Polly’s work lives on in many of us.

A big thank you to my friends, loved ones and fellow collaborators who made the COVID years a time of growth, joy and support. The experiments in connection that we explored in this time, forever enhanced and fine tuned my field sensing capacities. More importantly, the love, support and generousity made it possible to be in a practice of abundance.

Finally, thank you to Greta Muscat Azzopardi for supporting me to smithy the singing bowl tune of this website. Through Embodied meditations to find the feelings and words, practical help fine tuning the notes and harmony of the whole, and technically supporting me in building a website that works on desktop and mobile devices. Thank you. And thank you to the various unsplash photographers and members that make their work available as a gift, as their imagery makes this site more beautiful.

Grandfather, Father, Children